It was great to see some new faces at our last meeting – welcome to Katie from BVSC, Ian from GBSELP, Jayne and Carrie-Ann from Archway Academy. In attendance were representatives from: iSE, BVSC, ART Business Loans, GBSLEP, BCC, BITA Pathways, Archway Academy, and Health Exchange.
We had a great presentation from James Betjemann of Birmingham City Council re: the HS2 developments and we are delighted that Ian from Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) will be continuing this subject at our next meeting, on 9th August, informing us about supply chains and funding opportunities.
It was interesting to hear from Archway Academy about their Study Programme, which offers an alternative curriculum for learners who have struggled to achieve in the mainstream school environment. For more information see their website:
Graham from Health Exchange told us about their Living Well Taking Control service, which is part of the National Diabetes Prevention Programme. Find out more here:
Katie mentioned the BVSC back office services they offer to organisations:
iSE informed attendees about ESIF opportunities and promised to inform all members re: active calls or any partnership opportunities to bid for European Funding.
The Network was also updated about Digbeth Fuse – a new sponsored start up programme for 12 individuals looking to set up a social enterprise. The programme includes access to a hot desk, workshops, mentors, and a business advisor over a nine month period. If you know of anyone who is interested in the programme, contact iSE is also still looking for programme sponsors, so if your organisation is interested in sponsoring a social entrepreneur for nine months get in touch with Emma.
SIFA Fireside Collection – don’t forget that for the first week of every month iSE is a collection point for donations for SIFA Fireside. Take a look at the link for donations and feel free to spread the message too –
Our next Digbeth Cheapside and Highgate Social Enterprise Network meeting is on Tuesday 9th August, 8.30 to 10.00 am at i-SE. We hope to see you there!