Digbeth Coffee Morning: Summary And Steps Forward

Digbeth Connect Coffee Morning Yesterday morning we held our first Digbeth Connect Coffee Morning. This was an experimental session, breaking from the Digbeth Social Enterprise Quarter’s traditional networking event but what an event! We were visited by the new proprietors of the Warehouse Cafe in the Friends of the Earth and were able to arrange a program of business support, …

Digbeth Social Enterprise Quarter – September Event Roundup

  This Networking meeting DSEQ met with Jonathan Lord from HS2, Ryan West of Laing O’Rourke and Murphy (LM) and Michelle Brodie from Groundworks West Midlands. Our meeting started bright and early as usual and featured some great and informative talks from our guests. Curzon Street Ryan West and Jonathan Lord gave us an update on the enabling works for HS2 that Laing O’Rourke …

Highlights from the Digbeth Cheapside and Highgate Social Enterprise Network Meeting

It was great to see some new faces at our last meeting – welcome to Katie from BVSC, Ian from GBSELP, Jayne and Carrie-Ann from Archway Academy.  In attendance were representatives from: iSE, BVSC, ART Business Loans, GBSLEP, BCC, BITA Pathways, Archway Academy, and Health Exchange. We had a great presentation from James Betjemann of Birmingham City Council re: the …