Digbeth Cheapside and Highgate Network Dates for 2016 Announced

Here are the dates for the 2016 Digbeth, Cheapside and HIghgate Network Events to get into your diaries now:

• Tuesday 9th February
• Tuesday 19th April
• Tuesday 14th June
• Tuesday 9th August
• Tuesday 18th October
• December – Christmas Event TBC

All events will take place at iSE, Avoca Court, 23 Moseley Road, Birmingham B12 0HJ

8.30am to 10.00am – with light refreshments provided.

Come along to share your news, ask for support, make new contacts and link with potential partners. Our events are informal, inspiring and useful if you are involved in social enterprise or would like to get involved in social enterprise in Birmingham.

We use these meetings to manage and develop the Digbeth Social Enterprise Quarter.

If you haven’t been before, email us to register: info@digbethsocentquarter.co.uk

We look forward to seeing you there!